Laughter Is the Language of the Soul - Pablo Neruda

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I absolutely believe in this quote by Pablo Neruda!

Your soul wants to soar!

Laughter is a great way to lift your mood and connect with that amazing energy within you!

Think about how you’d like to laugh more!

Here are some suggestions:

  • Do something that makes you feel like a kid again such as jumping in a pile of leaves or swinging on a swing.
  • Watch your favorite comedy or comedians.
  • Get outside and explore familiar or new places and notice the beauty and wonder around you.
  • Tell corny jokes such as:
    • Why do seagulls fly over the sea?
      • If they flew over the bay, they would be bagels!

Whatever you do, I hope your day is filled with laughter that sends your soul soaring!

If you'd like more help sending your soul soaring, here's a way to do that through reiki or coaching!

Wishing you ☀️❤️☮️️ Alicia

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